

An ex Amazon software developer, Raman, left her job to start up an food delivery service, Buttermilk Co. The service/product includes ready to cook meals (mainly Indian cuisine) just by adding water plus delivery service.  Raman was inspired to start this journey when her mother sent her ingredients in a bag to make rasam and all she needed to do was add water.   Raman is someone I inspire to be.  Raman found a passion and took a risk.  I know a handful of people like Raman, they have a great, well paying job but one day they decide to do something totally unexpected and follow their passion.  Some people have always followed their passion, some people are still seeking for their passion and some people are scared of their passion. It's hard to follow a passion even if that passion may not support your living but it's worth it in the end.


One of my favorite breakfast/lunch meals is a za’atar man’ouche with toppings of cherry tomatoes, green onion and avocado.  A za’atar man’ouche is a Lebanese flat bread herb pizza. Za’atar is a mix of spices, mainly wild thyme, oregano and sumac with toasted sesame seeds.  .   Making a za’atar man’ouche is very easy.  All you have to do is make some homemade dough and mix about equal parts of olive oil and za’atar spice together.  Spread your dough and coat an even layer of the za’atar mix on the dough then top with veggies. In my opinion the best toppings for this man’ouche is cherry tomatoes, green onion, fresh avocado (after baking) and/or a egg.  It is very important to bake the man’ouche around 500 degrees in the oven for about 5 or 7 minutes or it could get overcooked. And that’s about it… enjoy.


Hello.  My name is Dylan Krause.  I am a senior student at Central Michigan University, majoring in Psychology with a minor in Art and Advertising.  I have a deep dark secret and that is... I like food. This blog will be about food in general like coffee, wine, restaurants, maybe reviews, facts and recipes.  I am a little artsy so maybe I will draw a pear or two and post it on here.  I hope you enjoy this blogging adventure.